Desktop Search Question



Greetings. I downloaded and installed both the OneNote 2007 (beta) and the
MS Desktop Search program that apparently came with it. However, after I
downloaded and installed the search program I can't find the icon anywhere,
nor where the program is installed. After installation my MS Windows XP
seems to have slowed even more than usual, and I presume there is some
indexing going on in the background. Could someone please tell me if this
search program has options (such as occasionally turning off the indexing,
and the like)? Thanks.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha Rebecca,

The desktop search that comes with Beta 2 only works in Beta 2 (i.e. OneNote
and Outlook). It doesn't have any interface for searching the rest of the
machine (nor is it indexing the rest of the machine as far as I know). As
I understand it that will change with the release version -- WDS 3 will have
an interface for searching the whole machine (as well as providing search
services to Outlook and OneNote). At least that's my understanding.

The Indexing can take a while when you first start it up, but after it finishes
its initial index the performance should improve considerably. Mine indexed
overnight the first night after install and since that next day it's been

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

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