Desktop Shortcut for Public Folders



We are beginning to install Office 2007 and have run into some issues.

We have a number of Executives and their secretaries who, using Outlook
2003, created desktop shortcuts to some public folders (most notably
calendars) so they can open the calendars without having to navigate to it
in Outlook. It worked real nice opening a new window for that calendar,
etc. This was done by just dragging the public folder to the desktop to
create the shortcut.

Well, we have tried everything we can think of in Outlook 2007 to no avail.
The only thing that half way works is to righ-click the folder and select
"Save As" and save to the Desktop folder. When the user opens this link, it
creates a new calendar in their mailbox under the default calendar. This is
a "Copy" of the original calendar and is not connected to the public one at
all. No changes are reflected back and forth.

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to create a desktop link to a public
folder that accesses the public folder and not a copy?



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