Desperate - Lost Mail Folders in Entourage 2004 - Please Help


George Atwater


This morning on booting up a window appeared warning that the Entourage
database had become corrupted and had to be rebuilt. The program rebuilt
the database. When I opened Entourage my calendar, my mail file folders and
my calendar had disappeared. These were on an exchange server account from
which my computer has been disconnect for more than six months. I never had
any problems before. I have OS X - 10.4.11 and Entourage 11.4.0.

I had performed a complete backup of the hard drive a couple of days
before today. The database in the Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004
Identities is just slightly smaller than the one on the main hard drive.
Therefore, I do not believe that the data has actually been deleted; rather
I cannot access it.

I thank you for any help you may be able to give me.

(e-mail address removed)

William Smith

George said:

This morning on booting up a window appeared warning that the Entourage
database had become corrupted and had to be rebuilt. The program rebuilt
the database. When I opened Entourage my calendar, my mail file folders and
my calendar had disappeared. These were on an exchange server account from
which my computer has been disconnect for more than six months. I never had
any problems before. I have OS X - 10.4.11 and Entourage 11.4.0.

I had performed a complete backup of the hard drive a couple of days
before today. The database in the Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004
Identities is just slightly smaller than the one on the main hard drive.
Therefore, I do not believe that the data has actually been deleted; rather
I cannot access it.

Hi George!

In Entourage select Entourage --> Switch Identity... and see if you have
a different identity that you can select. Possibly Entourage has
forgotten which identity it should be using.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
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