Desperately need help



I have the following; -
3 sheet workbook, Sheet 1 called Front Page. Sheet 2 called Home and
sheet 3 called A.
Sheet 1 (Front Page) is just a sheet with instructions. On sheet 2
(Home) is the results of entries made on Sheet 3 (A).
I make the following entries on Sheet 2. A6 to A222 are names which
transfer onto Sheet 3 automatically using =A6 etc going across the
sheet from E7 to IT7.
Sheet 1 B2 to B222 is have a hyperlink to jump to a name on sheet 3
which is
On sheet 3 (A) I enter either of the following:- d or hd for holidays
the result going into E1, =SUMPRODUCT(--(E7:E2038="d"))--(--SUMPRODUCT
L for lateness going into cell E2, =SUMPRODUCT(--(E7:E2038="L"))
1 for absence going into cell E3, =SUMPRODUCT(--(E7:E2037=1),--
(E8:E2038<>1),--($A7:$A2037>=TODAY()-365)) which counts each 1 and
blocks of 1.
Au or AD going into cell E4, for full day or half day authorised,
All this works great but, as with all good things someone has come up
with something new to add.
Along with the 1 I now need to enter either 1 p or 1 up. The result of
1 still needs to do the same as I have now. The result of p needs to
go into E5, the result of up into E6.
I have been told this can be done using a macro and entering something
like 1,p.
Can anyone give me any help with this please. I am at a loss.


Shane Devenshire


What exactly do you mean by "The result of p needs to
go into E5, the result of up into E6." How about in E5 type p or in E6 type
up? or in E5 enter =some cell where p is and E6 enter = some cell where up

Shane Devenshire



What exactly do you mean by "The result of p needs to
go into E5, the result of up into E6."  How about in E5 type p or in E6type
up? or in E5 enter =some cell where p is and E6 enter = some cell where up

Shane Devenshire

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Thanks for answering Shane, I knew I'd mess it up what I was trying to
In E5 I need the count of P's in that column in E5. The UP in E6.
Each row going down from A8 to A2037 has the date up to 2015. So I
need a count of either the P or up, but I also have to put a 1 in the
same cell. I count the 1's okay, but I can't figure how to count the P
etc at the same time. At the moment if I enter 1, p neither
counts. Have I explained it better?



Thanks for answering Shane, I knew I'd mess it up what I was trying to
In E5 I need the count of P's in that column in E5. The UP in E6.
Each row going down from A8 to A2037 has the date up to 2015. So I
need a count of either the P or up, but I also have to put a 1 in the
same cell. I count the 1's okay, but I can't figure how to count the P
etc at the same time. At the moment if I enter 1, p neither
counts. Have I explained it better?

Bryan.- Hide quoted text -

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I think now the easiest way to ask this, is this way.
I use this fornula to count 1's and blocks of 1's when I enter 1 into
cells. =SUMPRODUCT(--(E7:E2037=1),--(E8:E2038<>1),--($A7:$A2037>=TODAY
()-365)) This works fine. The result of the formula goes into cell E3.
Now I need to add a P or UP to the same cell I enter a 1 into. When I
enter 1 P or 1 UP that formula dosen't work. How can I isolate my
formula so that it does work, and add another formula so it counts the
P or UP but ignores the 1 so that my original formula can do its
thing. Not all cells will have the same entered.
I've tried many things with countif statements etc. I'm getting
nowhere fast. I would be greatful if anyone can point me in the right


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