Ocassionally the text on the first page of my report is too long to fit on
one page and spills to the next. This isn't a problem. However, it
sometimes prints the last row of text in between pages, that is part of the
line is on the bottom of the first page and part on the top of the second.
It's as if the report prints everything right up to the margin line rather
than saving what falls on the margin line for the next page.
I'm using A02, WinXP on a machine that also has A97 installed. My report
has several subreports, text boxes and subreports are set to Can Grow. I did
a Google search and posted to ACCESS-L and got a few suggestions which I have
played around with but with no luck. I've varied the margins, added white
space, changed the font, tested on 4 different printers (latest print drivers
in place), varied the Keep Together property, and all with the same result.
Text continues to be horizontally truncated on some pages.
Any ideas? I am desperate and will try anything. Thanks!
one page and spills to the next. This isn't a problem. However, it
sometimes prints the last row of text in between pages, that is part of the
line is on the bottom of the first page and part on the top of the second.
It's as if the report prints everything right up to the margin line rather
than saving what falls on the margin line for the next page.
I'm using A02, WinXP on a machine that also has A97 installed. My report
has several subreports, text boxes and subreports are set to Can Grow. I did
a Google search and posted to ACCESS-L and got a few suggestions which I have
played around with but with no luck. I've varied the margins, added white
space, changed the font, tested on 4 different printers (latest print drivers
in place), varied the Keep Together property, and all with the same result.
Text continues to be horizontally truncated on some pages.
Any ideas? I am desperate and will try anything. Thanks!