Detailed v Summary reports



Hi, I have a report in Access XP that gives detail. Is
there an easy way to switch this report to give me
summary only, or the other way around, without having to
copy/ link a new report to the original detailed?


Marshall Barton

Liz said:
Hi, I have a report in Access XP that gives detail. Is
there an easy way to switch this report to give me
summary only, or the other way around, without having to
copy/ link a new report to the original detailed?

Depends on the summary you want. Many report's can use the
report footer section to display overall counts, averages
and totals just by using aggregate functions (Count, Sum.
etc). Other types of summaries need a totals query as a
record source to display grouped aggregates - this type is
usually done by using a subreport in the main report's

As far as making the display of the details and/or report
footer optional, this is fairly easily done by using a form
for the user to specify the desired choices and then using
the report Open event to make the appropriate sections
visible or invisible accordingly. For example, if a form
has two check boxes, chkShowDetails and chkShowSummary,
then the report open event procedure could include the

Me.Section(0).Visible = Forms!theform.chkShowDetails
Me.Section(2).Visible = Forms!theform.chkShowSummary

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