Detect MsgBox keyUp


Paul Stevens

I have userform controls with Key events (down, press, up)
that run procedures if keycode 13 (enter) is pressed.

I may need to halt these proc's, first giving the user
some info in a msgbox. If the user closes the msgbox by
keying Enter, when enter is released the userform control
key event runs again, even a keydown event.

I could restrict the key event to say spacebar, but I want
to allow key Enter. I've tried various unsatisfactory

1. Timer on msgbox keydown to instigate a short delay
before the control can call the proc again. This works OK
but only if the user releases (msgbox) enter quickly.

2. Switch focus from the control, various problems with
this and also I want to end up with focus on the original

I imagine others have run into this, but I have not found
anything searching this ng. So any solution much



Does the active message box become the Active Window" ? In this case
you could check for the Caption using something based on this :-

'== top ================================================
Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" _
(ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As

MsgBox (ActiveWindowCaption)
End Sub

Function ActiveWindowCaption() As String
Dim strCaption As String
Dim lngLen As Long
strCaption = String$(255, vbNullChar)
lngLen = Len(strCaption)
If (GetWindowText(GetActiveWindow, strCaption, lngLen) > 0) Then
ActiveWindowCaption = strCaption
End If
End Function
'== bottom ==================================

Paul Stevens

Hi Brian,
Does the active message box become the Active Window" ?
It is whilst being displayed, but it closes on Keydown

For my purposes it would be more convenient if it closed
with Keyup, like it does if the user presses spacebar.

To side track, I could have phrased my original question
and subject better, namely:
Detect if user closed msgbox with key Enter, if so prevent
or early exit Key events in my controls (with focus) until
user has released Enter.

In case relevant my controls also have mouse events, but
not Click events as these would also be activated with key

Your suggestion looks promising but I'm not sure when and
where to return and compare "ActiveWindowCaption" and
presumably set a flag. Sorry to ask but if you think this
will resolve my problem could you point me how to


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