Detect when detail section pushes to 2nd page



Is there a way of detecting when detail section pushes to 2nd page via code.

Sometimes my report group needs 2 pages and sometimes it don't, but I need a
diiferent set of conditions when it does.

Thanks, for any help!


A possibility is to count the number of records in the detail section. If
the count exceeds some number depending on the design of your report, your
report will go o a second page.

(e-mail address removed)


Hi steve,
My Detail section has, for example 138 total lines to print for report, this
is over 3 page breaks on model#. (46 per break) Only 42 lines will fit on a
page so each model will push 4 lines to a 2nd page. I've tried everything I
can think of to get the 138 lines to count 46 at a time and then start at 1
again for each model# change. Nothing works.

I could place code to keep track of the lines and pages but if there's a
better way to just detect when I'm on 2nd page of a model#. The lines per
model# will vary from time so nothing is constant. The only Constant is the
number of lines my detail section will print before pushing to 2nd page.

Hope this explains a little better what I need.

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