Determinant of a matrix.


James Silverton

Has HELP been much improved since 2002? I recently wanted to
find out why a matrix inverse calculation gave an unlikely
answer, so I needed the determinant of the matrix. I searched
for "determinant" in HELP and got no answer. Google produced the
result that Excel calls the function MDETERM, so help me! Why
does Microsoft use that name unless it requires all matrix
functions to begin with M for some reason! Why also has HELP to
be so ignorant?

James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

David Biddulph

For Excel 2003, if I type "determinant" into Excel help, the first result is

James Silverton

Hello, David!
You wrote on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:43:03 -0000:

DB> For Excel 2003, if I type "determinant" into Excel help,
DB> the first result is MDETERM.
DB> --
DB> David Biddulph

Thanks David! Someone at MS obviously did listen to comments
way back then :)

James Silverto, Potomac, Maryland

E-mail, with obvious alterations:

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