Here is another way. Put this code in a general module and access with
msgbox GetLanguageName()
Private Declare Function GetThreadLocale Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLCID Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetLocaleInfo Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetLocaleInfoA" _
(ByVal Locale As Long, _
ByVal LCType As Long, _
ByVal lpLCData As String, _
ByVal cchData As Long) As Long
Const LOCALE_ILANGUAGE As Long = &H1 'language id
Const LOCALE_SLANGUAGE As Long = &H2 'localized name of lang
Const LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE As Long = &H1001 'English name of lang
Const LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME As Long = &H3 'abbreviated lang name
Const LOCALE_SNATIVELANGNAME As Long = &H4 'native name of lang
Const LOCALE_ICOUNTRY As Long = &H5 'country code
Const LOCALE_SCOUNTRY As Long = &H6 'localized name of country
Const LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY As Long = &H1002 'English name of country
Const LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME As Long = &H7 'abbreviated country name
Const LOCALE_SNATIVECTRYNAME As Long = &H8 'native name of country
Const LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL As Long = &H15 'intl monetary symbol
Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE As Long = &H9 'def language id
Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY As Long = &HA 'def country code
Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE As Long = &HB 'def oem code page
Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE As Long = &H1004 'def ansi code page
Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE As Long = &H1011 'def mac code page
Const LOCALE_IMEASURE As Long = &HD '0 = metric, 1 = US
'#if(WINVER >= &H0400)
Const LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME As Long = &H59 'ISO abbreviated language name
Const LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME As Long = &H5A 'ISO abbreviated country name
'#endif /* WINVER >= as long = &H0400 */
'#if(WINVER >= &H0500)
Const LOCALE_SNATIVECURRNAME As Long = &H1008 'native name of currency
Const LOCALE_IDEFAULTEBCDICCODEPAGE As Long = &H1012 'default ebcdic code
Const LOCALE_SSORTNAME As Long = &H1013 'sort name
'#endif /* WINVER >= &H0500 */
Dim LCID As Long
Public Function GetUserLocaleInfo(ByVal dwLocaleID As Long, ByVal dwLCType
As Long) _
As String
Dim sReturn As String
Dim r As Long
'call the function passing the Locale type
'variable to retrieve the required size of
'the string buffer needed
r = GetLocaleInfo(dwLocaleID, dwLCType, sReturn, Len(sReturn))
'if successful..
If r Then
'pad the buffer with spaces
sReturn = Space$(r)
'and call again passing the buffer
r = GetLocaleInfo(dwLocaleID, dwLCType, sReturn, Len(sReturn))
'if successful (r > 0)
If r Then
'r holds the size of the string
'including the terminating null
GetUserLocaleInfo = Left$(sReturn, r - 1)
End If
End If
End Function
Public Function GetLanguageName()
LCID = GetSystemDefaultLCID()
GetLanguageName = GetUserLocaleInfo(LCID, LOCALE_SENGLANGUAGE)
End Function
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