Determine cached exchange mode problems



Read some earlier posts and found a registry key I could use to determine if
cached exchange mode is disabled/enabled on a client (see bottom). The
problem is that some of the clients report cached exchange mode to disabled
04 00 00 00, but when I visit the client and check it is actually enabled and
working. When I manually disable and reenable the mode the registry then
report the correct value 84 01 00 00. This is enabled in the default profile
in the installation wizard. We do not use group policy to enable this since
we want users to be able to disbale it if needed. We have roaming profiles
and a history of earlier outlook versions.

Any ideas would be appriciated since I really don't want to visit 400+
clients on different locations to determine who has this really disabled.
Vidar Hegre

Cached Exchange Mode is controlled by the following key;
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging
00036601 (REG_BINARY)
enabled value; 84 01 00 00
enabled with Public Folders/Favorites: 84 05 00 00
disabled value; 04 00 00 00

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