Determine date of last actual work



I have a vba routine that creates an email for all unfinished tasks by
resource from our shared resource file. I am able to show each user the
project, task, remaining work, start and finish dates.

Since these are unfinished tasks (ActualFinish = "NA") is it possible to
also determine the last date that work was done on a task? Since I know they
have not finished the task, I would like to tell them the last time they
worked on that task.

Jan De Messemaeker


There are two task fields
Stop (last recorded actual work)
Resume(when first unfinished work planned)
They only differ in case of a split
They read NA when actual start is NA


Nkiefer said:
I have a vba routine that creates an email for all unfinished tasks by
resource from our shared resource file. I am able to show each user the
project, task, remaining work, start and finish dates.

Since these are unfinished tasks (ActualFinish = "NA") is it possible to
also determine the last date that work was done on a task? Since I know they
have not finished the task, I would like to tell them the last time they
worked on that task.

It sounds like you VBA macro gathers some static fields from Project to
populate the e-mail. All you need to do is add a loop to look at the
timescaled data for Actual Work. Look up the TimescaleData Method in the
VBA help file for the syntax. Since your e-mail is resource based, you
might want to loop on resources and pull out the
pjAssignmentTimescaledActualWork value. I also suggest you may want to
loop through the whole span of data from assignment start to finish in
case there was a span of time when no work was logged. Then just capture
the last date with non-zero data.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP


Thanks John that worked. I understand that using TimescaleData for a
resource gives me the work done by that resource and I assume if it did it by
task I would get the total of all resources worked on a specific task.

But where would you use it on an assignment?

Thanks again!


Nkiefer said:
Thanks John that worked. I understand that using TimescaleData for a
resource gives me the work done by that resource and I assume if it did it by
task I would get the total of all resources worked on a specific task.

But where would you use it on an assignment?

Thanks again!
Assignments in Project are probably the most difficult for users to
understand. From a task standpoint, the assignments are the resources
(assigned). From a resource standpoint, the assignments are the tasks
(assigned). In other words, assignments are the bridge between tasks and

If VBA loops through all resources in a file this basic structure will
give the assignments of those resources:
For Each r In ActiveProject.Resources
For Each a in R.Assignments
[your code here]
Next a
Next r

If VBA loops through all tasks in a file this basic structure will give
the assignments of those tasks:
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not t is Nothing Then 'this jumps around blank task lines
For Each a in t.Assignments
[your code here]
Next a
End If
Next t

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

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