Determine if resource is available for the full duration of a task(VBA MSP2003 not server)


Thomas V


I need to programmatically determine if a resource is 100% available
for the duration of a task.

The following code will do the job using TimeScaleData but it's far
from optimal since the timescale is pjTimescaleMinutes which gets
pretty intense to run on long tasks.

Is there a more optimal way to determine this?

Private Function isResourceAvailable(tskT As Task, resR As Resource)
As Boolean
Dim rTSV As TimeScaleValues, i As Long
isResourceAvailable = True

Set rTSV = resR.TimeScaleData(tskT.Start, tskT.Finish,
pjResourceTimescaledRemainingAvailability, pjTimescaleMinutes)

For i = 1 To rTSV.Count
If rTSV.Item(i).value <> 1 And rTSV.Item(i).value <> "" Then
isResourceAvailable = False
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function


Rod Gill


I wouldn't try to time manage the resources. I believe that weekly is the
smallest timescale you need to worry about in project management except for
cut-over tasks and shutdowns.

If you need 30h from a resource for a week, simply read availability for the
week. If availability is 30 or over, rely on the Resource and their team
lead to fit the 30h in!


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

Thomas V

Thanks for your insight Rod. I see your point.
I guess that using a week as timescale and checking availability at
that level would do just as well.

- Thomas

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