Determine position in table


Compass Rose

I have a macro that I want to restrict the user from using when the insertion
point is only in column 1 of table 4. I have been using
'Selection.Information(wdWithInTable)' in other macros but is not specific
enough for this application.

What code can I use to accomplish this?



If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) then
If Selection.Tables(1).range.start =
activedocument.tables(3).range.start and _
Selection.Cells(1).ColumnIndex = 4 then ...

Compass Rose

Thanks, Jezebel. I think you've transposed the table number and column
number. Would the correct code not be:

If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) then
If Selection.Tables(4).range.start =
activedocument.tables(4).range.start and _
Selection.Cells(1).ColumnIndex = 1 then ...



Not quite. If the selection is within a table, then Selection.Tables(1) is a
reference to that table. Selection.Tables(4) would refer to the fourth table
within the selection. You're making two tests --

1. Is the selection within the fourth table in the document --

Selection.Tables(1).range.start = ActiveDocument.Tables(4).Range.Start

2. Is the selection within a given column --

Selection.Cells(1).ColumnIndex = x

Note that this could all get tricky if you have nested tables (ie one table
within another), or if the selection included several tables.

Compass Rose

Thanks for the explanation.

No, fortunately I don't have nested tables. I try to keep things simple.


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