Thank you for the response.
Unfortunately the edition information is not included in Version/
FullBuild property.
On both edition Version="12.0", FullBuild="806228390"
Examinig addons collection is an option,
but it does not sound as a robust (right) way to go... does it?
I had an idea of checking MSI product information about installed
but maybe there is an easir way to go? Digging MSI info is not that
fun, actually...
I mean, for example, Office's SKUs (Stock Keeping Units, i.e.
product id's are documented:
What about Visio's SKUs?
Also, I have found following key in the registry:
For "Professional edition" the value is "PRO", for "Standard edition"
the value is "STD"
Can this key be trusted for edition detection?
Are other values (beside from "PRO" and "STD") possible?
Kind regards, Nikolay.