In range of data I need to find jthe largest numerical movement in one
direction without (x) retrace. (x in this case being a specified whole
Please help with a formula or direct me to where I could find this
Using Excel 2007
For example: in range of numerical data, the largest directional integer
movement was 300 before the data moved 25 in reverse.
Example 2: The largest directional integer movement was 224 before
the data moved 30 in reverse.
direction without (x) retrace. (x in this case being a specified whole
Please help with a formula or direct me to where I could find this
Using Excel 2007
For example: in range of numerical data, the largest directional integer
movement was 300 before the data moved 25 in reverse.
Example 2: The largest directional integer movement was 224 before
the data moved 30 in reverse.