Determining number of Ranges


Jimmy O

I'm new to VBA and I have a worksheet where I need to determine the number of
contiguous blocks of cells with data in them. There could be two to four
blocks. All of the blocks will be within Range A1:I25. I thought I could use
Areas.Count so I set up a test Sub with three blocks of cells. Here is the

Sub CountAreas()
Range("A1:C7").Value = 9
Range("F9:I16").Value = 10
Range("A21:D25").Value = 12
x = Selection.Areas.Count
Range("A30").Value = x
Debug.Print x
End Sub

The value of x is 1 when I run the sub. I thought it should be 3. Any help
on what I'm doing incorrectly would be apprciated.



Can't tell you the best way to get but I can suggest why you're getting the
answer you're getting....I'm sure someone will jump in here and give you a
one liner or two to accomplish your goal.

In your macro, your macro does not test for data, it only tests to see if
that one Range is valid. Check this out by clearing all data and commenting
out the Range values in your macro. You'll get the same answer...."1". You
need to loope through each Range, testing for data. Add 1 to a variable that
starts at "0" for each range that has data, then check the variable.value,
you'll find the answer will be three.

HTH, and if it doesn't, like I said, someone will put us both straight....:)

Gary''s Student

Sub CountAreas()
Range("A1:C7").Value = 9
Range("F9:I16").Value = 10
Range("A21:D25").Value = 12

Union(Range("A1:C7"), Range("F9:I16"), Range("A21:D25")).Select

x = Selection.Areas.Count
Range("A30").Value = x
Debug.Print x
End Sub

You code made one big range / area.

Dave Peterson

I'm not quite sure why you're selecting stuff, but here's another option:

MsgBox Selection.Areas.Count



If I'm reading the OP correctly he has a number of ranges defined, there may
or may not be data in a cell or cells in any of these ranges. I think what
he's trying to develop is the number of ranges that do have data in at least
one cell. Might be wrong and hopefully he'll jump in here and clarify a


Jimmy O

Thanks Don. I know the block of cells will have data. See my reply to your
2nd post for more info that I believe Dave asked for.

Jimmy O

Thank you Gary for the reply. The blocks of numbers could be in other Ranges
of cells, for example B3: D8. However, to get this to work, I may have to
designate the Ranges that contain the date and then use Union.

Jimmy O

My initial Sub was

Sub CountAreas()
x = Range("A1:I25").Areas.Count
Range("A30").Value = x
Debug.Print x
End Sub

with the the data already in the three ranges. I added the code to insert
the values into the cells and select stuff because I thought I was doing
something incorrectly. The above code gives x the value of 1 also. I thought
the areas collection count would give the number of non contiguous cells
(containing data) within a given Range.

Thanks everyone for your responses

Jimmy O

Thank you very much for the reply Dave. I explain a little more why I
selected stuff in my reply to Don's 2nd post. the data won't always be in the
three ranges I designated. one set of data could be in be in B9:E13, for
example. Thank you again.



Still don't know if I understand correctly what you're trying to do, but if
I do, this code with some revisions to suit your set up will give you the
number of Ranges that have at least one cell with data in it.....

Option Explicit

Sub NumOfRges()

Dim Rge1 As Range
Dim Rge2 As Range
Dim Cell As Range
Dim x1, x2 As Integer

x1 = 0
x2 = 0
Set Rge1 = Range("A1:D7")
Set Rge2 = Range("C17:D22")

For Each Cell In Rge1
If Cell.Value <> "" Then
x1 = 1
End If

For Each Cell In Rge2
If Cell.Value <> "" Then
x2 = 1
End If

MsgBox ("x1 = ") & x1
MsgBox ("x2 = ") & x2
MsgBox ("Total Ranges with Data = ") & x1 + x2

End Sub

Probably a cleaner way to get there but this does work. You will have to
define each range within the macro and loop through each rge.



Dave Peterson

If the filled in cells all contain constants (no formulas) and the other cells
in that range (A1:I25) are empty, how about:

Option Explicit
Sub CountAreas()
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myArea As Range
Set myRng = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set myRng = ActiveSheet.Range("a1:i25").Cells _
On Error GoTo 0

MsgBox myRng.Areas.Count
For Each myArea In myRng.Areas
MsgBox myArea.Address(0, 0)
Next myArea

End Sub

But the areas that excel uses may not be the same as the areas that you would
have used.

Jimmy O

Thanks for the input. What I was trying to do was take a Range and determine
how many groups of data were within that range. the groups of data could be
anywhere in the range. In my case, the Range was A1:I25 and it may look like
this within the range:

9 9 9
9 9 9
9 9 9

12 12
12 12
12 12
12 12

14 14 14
14 14 14
14 14 14
14 14 14

I thought Range("A1:I25").Areas.count would give me the answer of 3. I think
I will have to specify where the ranges have to be within A1:I25 and then
test to see if they're empty.

I apologize for being so confusing.

Jimmy O

Jimmy O

Thank you very much Dave, that worked perfectly.

Dave Peterson said:
If the filled in cells all contain constants (no formulas) and the other cells
in that range (A1:I25) are empty, how about:

Option Explicit
Sub CountAreas()
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myArea As Range
Set myRng = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set myRng = ActiveSheet.Range("a1:i25").Cells _
On Error GoTo 0

MsgBox myRng.Areas.Count
For Each myArea In myRng.Areas
MsgBox myArea.Address(0, 0)
Next myArea

End Sub

But the areas that excel uses may not be the same as the areas that you would
have used.

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