Determining Server Version


Matt Piazza, PMP

Easy enough to determine the current version of a desktop app (menu: Help -
About ...), but how do I determine my current version of Project Server?

Steve Lundwall

Log into PWA as the administrator. Go to the Admin selection on the tool
bar. On the left menu bar is a selection "About Microsoft Office Project
Server". It will give you the Version, Product ID and Number of users.


Matt Piazza, PMP


Thanks for the fast reply. I found the link earlier, but did not see any
information regarding version number. I am wondering if a client has
installed any service pack?

Any additional feedback is also appreciated.

Matt Piazza, PMP


Thanks for your answer. I have definitely confirmed that my client does not
have SP2a installed. (current build #11.0.2003.0816.15). Does this build
number imply original 2003 version or SP1 or SP2 version? The online
discussion board search does not return any posts for this build number.

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