Determining the versions of Microsoft Project



I want to determine the version of Microsoft Projects
(like MS Project 2000 or MS Project 2002) installed in the
systems. Please give me the detail on determining about
the MS Project versions installed.

Mike Glen

Hi Suresh,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Like most Microsoft products, got to the Help menu and click About and the
version is stated there.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
Project MVP


Hi Glen,
Thanks for your mail. My requirements is like this:
I am using Wise Installation tool for scripting a security
patch (MS03-037). While doing so, I need to get the
information about Microsoft Project versions, because only
after determining the Project versions, i can install the
necessary patch for ex: if the system is having MS project
2000, then the corresponding patch for MS project 2000
will be installed,and so on.
So, I exactly need how to determine through the registry
keys or files.

If you can help me in this regards, it will be helpful for

Thanks and Regards

Mike Glen

Hi suresh,

I've no idea! On the server, try the
microsoft.public.project.vba newsgroup as you are more likely to get an
answer there.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP



Registry keys, doesnt give that kind of info. Mike is
correct about help/about where it states which version
you use 98/2k/2k2, and there is also a version number
beside it. That is more than adequate!!!!




Registry keys, doesnt give that kind of info. Mike is
correct about help/about where it states which version
you use 98/2k/2k2, and there is also a version number
beside it. That is more than adequate!!!!


Rob Schneider

Suresh's problem is slightly different. He needs Wise Installation
program to figure out the version of Project and has probably found that
Wise program has no capability to interpret information on the
Help/About dialog box. I am assuming he is use Wise becuase he's
working for a corporation which has a "standard load" which
automagically distributes updates to workstations via these sorts of
installation scripts. In those companies, they don't allow users to
install their own updates like this.

Suresh: You could contact Microsoft directly and find out if it really
matters if this update patch MS03-037 is applied to workstations with
Microsoft Project 98 or before. If Microsoft won't tell you, try
running the update on one of your workstations with Project 98 on it and
see if Project breaks. My hunch is that this will be a simpler way to
solve this. If it does matter, then your best bet may be to inspect
your workstations with Project 2002 and 2000 on it to find out reliable
patterns for key file names, sizes, etc. and you can further explore the
registry to find a clue. Wise installer might have a routine/function
which can inspect the Project executable to extract the file version
information put there when it was compiled.

Folks here on this forum are Microsoft Project Users who typically won't
have much to contribute on system/programming issues like this.

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