Developing a Word Plug in for Office 2008



I need to create a Word plug in for Office 2008.

When can we start development? On release product only? On a beta?

How do I obtain the SDK describing the process of building a pug-in?
Is it available? If not, when?


Jim Gordon MVP

Hi Ron,

You can start now by using AppleScript in Word 2004. The object model will
likely be the same.

If VBA is in your plan, then then answer is "sorry, you can't." There will
be no VBA support in Office 2008.

RealBasic is a remote possibility.

No one can give you definite answers because the product is on the market
yet. We know for sure no VBA and yes Applescript, however, based on public
announcements from Microsoft.


I need to create a Word plug in for Office 2008.

When can we start development? On release product only? On a beta?

How do I obtain the SDK describing the process of building a pug-in?
Is it available? If not, when?


Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info


OK, let me try to explain better. My product manager has specified a product
definition (we are an ISV) that will require a add-on to Word 2008 that will:
have new GUI elements: New toolbar, new dialogs
Use web services to obtain data (including the file to be edited)

This seems a bit much for any scripting language - I was expecting C++/C#.

Most vendors allow early access to beta and SDK info to developers so they
can support a new version close to launch.

Although I would like to get these things now, I would at least like to know
if my goal is possible and when it might be available.

How do I ask MS this question?


Bob Greenblatt

OK, let me try to explain better. My product manager has specified a product
definition (we are an ISV) that will require a add-on to Word 2008 that will:
have new GUI elements: New toolbar, new dialogs
Use web services to obtain data (including the file to be edited)

This seems a bit much for any scripting language - I was expecting C++/C#.

Most vendors allow early access to beta and SDK info to developers so they
can support a new version close to launch.

Although I would like to get these things now, I would at least like to know
if my goal is possible and when it might be available.

How do I ask MS this question?
I'm not sure your goal is possible. I don't recall any similar documents for
Word 2004. And, since VBA will be eliminated from Word 2008, I'm not so sure
there is much effort at MS for preparation of object model documentation. I
certainly would not count on anything being available until after 2008 is
released. You can ask Microsoft this (or any other question) by using the
Help-Send Feedback menu command in any Office product. Also, Microsoft
occasionally monitors this forum, so may already be aware of you needs.


even without VB you could use applescript studio to create the
toolbars and dialogs you need. You can then use applesript to "talk"
to word. You get the user to place the script in the script menu, or
you could compile it as a standalone app. THis will probably not
create toolbars in word itself (unless there are big changes comming
with 2008), but you will be able to create them in your standalone
app. You should be able to achieve the same end result as with VBA.
You may want to look at the mactech vba to applescript guide, which
has much useful information in it. It is available online at:

Further information on applescription word can be found on the
MActopia website at:

You might also be able to use RealBasic.
best of luck.

Jim Gordon MVP

I second what Peter said - he's right on the money.


even without VB you could use applescript studio to create the
toolbars and dialogs you need. You can then use applesript to "talk"
to word. You get the user to place the script in the script menu, or
you could compile it as a standalone app. THis will probably not
create toolbars in word itself (unless there are big changes comming
with 2008), but you will be able to create them in your standalone
app. You should be able to achieve the same end result as with VBA.
You may want to look at the mactech vba to applescript guide, which
has much useful information in it. It is available online at:

Further information on applescription word can be found on the
MActopia website at:

You might also be able to use RealBasic.
best of luck.

Bob said:
I'm not sure your goal is possible. I don't recall any similar documents for
Word 2004. And, since VBA will be eliminated from Word 2008, I'm not so sure
there is much effort at MS for preparation of object model documentation. I
certainly would not count on anything being available until after 2008 is
released. You can ask Microsoft this (or any other question) by using the
Help-Send Feedback menu command in any Office product. Also, Microsoft
occasionally monitors this forum, so may already be aware of you needs.

Jim Gordon

MVPs are not Microsoft Employees
MVP info

Scott Ribe

It is possible, using Applescript, to monitor the position of Word's front
most window. It is possible in OSX for an application to create a utility
window that floats over all the regular windows of all other applications.
Combine these, and it becomes possible to float a window next to a Word
document, while Word is the active application, such that your window
appears integrated with Word.

Not *easy* to get right, but possible ;-)

And if you want to take a completely insane-ninja approach, google for
mach_inject ;-) Or not. Actually it would probably be better for you to
forget I ever said that!

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