I am developing a VB application (Visual Studio 6 not VBA) and I would like
to support multiple versions of Office (9,10,11). Should I include a
reference to the various OLB's? Should I install multiple versions of Office
or just grab the OLB's from those installations (I have them on various test
machines. I assume you cannot install multiple versions of Office on a single
With respect to the reference question, should I declare the object variable
for word using "Word.application" or just "Object?"
I have successfull gotten Excel automation to work across multiple versions
of Excel using "Object" as opposed to "Excel.Application" but not so much
success with Word. I get nasty "DLL did not initialize" and "server failed"
type errors.
to support multiple versions of Office (9,10,11). Should I include a
reference to the various OLB's? Should I install multiple versions of Office
or just grab the OLB's from those installations (I have them on various test
machines. I assume you cannot install multiple versions of Office on a single
With respect to the reference question, should I declare the object variable
for word using "Word.application" or just "Object?"
I have successfull gotten Excel automation to work across multiple versions
of Excel using "Object" as opposed to "Excel.Application" but not so much
success with Word. I get nasty "DLL did not initialize" and "server failed"
type errors.