Vikram Dhemare

I have table which contents the detailed recept of matl.
Now, I have another summery sheet in the same file. I wish to pull the
latest purchased rate of specific items. I have tried this by using DGET /
DMAX function.
but it gives results for only on single items.
for, your ref. i am providing herewith the summery sheet
ATM0093 =DGET(GIN!A:BV,"IM_INVRT",$A$1:$A$7)
ATM0094 =DGET(GIN!A:BV,"IM_INVRT",$A$1:$A$7)
PTM0748 =DGET(GIN!A:BV,"IM_INVRT",$A$1:$A$7)
ATM0576 =DGET(GIN!A:BV,"IM_INVRT",$A$1:$A$7)
ATM0577 =DGET(GIN!A:BV,"IM_INVRT",$A$1:$A$7)
ATM0579 =DGET(GIN!A:BV,"IM_INVRT",$A$1:$A$7)
but the value returns #NUM!
Is there any way to give condition in this like
that means the crietria would be col. heading & the specific row no.

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