DHTML in shared border



Website = http://www.FirstSchoolDayton.com

Note that the navigational bar along the top uses Dynamic HTML and slightly
changes the font when the mouse slides over each item. This bar is inside a
shared border and appears on each page. Everything works fine on the home
page. When I go to the inside pages - the DHTML does not work. Everything
was designed within FRONTPAGE without the use of any add-ins. I am not an
expert - so if anyone cna help I would appreciate it.


Stefan B Rusynko

Shared borders only imbed the content Inside of the BODY tags onto the pages that use them
- so any DHTML scripts need to be on all pages or inside of the BODY tags
- that includes adding any BODY load commands to all pages (in your case onload="dynAnimation()")

On all pages copy into the HEAD section in Html/Code view

<script language="JavaScript" fptype="dynamicanimation">
function dynAnimation() {}
function clickSwapImg() {}
<script language="JavaScript1.2" fptype="dynamicanimation" src="../animate.js">
The path to animate.js needs to be adjusted for each folder level
- the above path means 1 folder level up from the current page

Also in the BODY tag of each page add onload="dynAnimation()"

| Website = http://www.FirstSchoolDayton.com
| Note that the navigational bar along the top uses Dynamic HTML and slightly
| changes the font when the mouse slides over each item. This bar is inside a
| shared border and appears on each page. Everything works fine on the home
| page. When I go to the inside pages - the DHTML does not work. Everything
| was designed within FRONTPAGE without the use of any add-ins. I am not an
| expert - so if anyone cna help I would appreciate it.
| Thanks

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