

Pedro Flores

A brief history of the disease includes discovery of how the
diabetes can get started. To get Type 1 diabetes you

must inherit it, it's not contagious.You can inherit it from your
environment, cold weather, viruses, and or both your parents. Different

cases would be if you breastfed, and if you ate solid foods at later ages
then for you its less common to have Type 1 diabetes. But

really to discover if you do have Type 1 diabetes you wouldnt know till a
couple of years down the road. But for Type 2 diabetes it

has to run in your family to get it. But did you know people with diabetes
are about 3 times more likely to die with the flu or

pneumonia? Or that 1 out of 20 adults who get pneumonia die, or that 2 out
of 10 adults who get the infection of the blood die.

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