Diagram Drawing One Note?


Chad Harris

This is on an XPPSP2 box with MOS 03 and One Note 03, Visio.

I am getting some help with IDE cables and drives trying to get an internal
DVD drive to boot an iso, via email. I have the need to ask questions by
drawing some box diagrams to map out the IDE/jumper connections on the HD
and optical drives and I'd like to find out the best place I can draw my
boxes, lines, and make arrows and labels to convey what I mean.

I know Word has the ability to make a wide range of diagrams, but it isn't
the fastest exercise in my hands, and it's a bit awkward. I don't know
Visio very well, but I imagine I could get this done there. I wondered if
One Note because of it's ability to allow you to drag things more informally
than Word has any drawing capabilities that would work for this or which of
the 3 apps One Note, Word, Visio I'm best off using. I'm not going for
elegant--just want sketches to get my ideas across. I can find some similar
diagrams via search, on Dell, via Google images but it's not the same as
drawing and labelling my own diagrams quickly--the way I want to map them

Thanks much,

Chad Harris

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

OneNote 2003 will do it if you don't mind relying upon your own artistic
skills -- i.e. it doesn't have a function for creating boxes or straight

You might check Kathy Jacobs' site (I don't have the URL handy but she's
posted it in this NG before and you could probably Google "Kathy Jacobs
OneNote) because I think she has a template that has some shapes in it you
could use.

Generally if it's informal I just sketch what I want in OneNote, not caring
if the lines aren't perfectly straight, and use that.

In OneNote 2007 there are drawing tools that improve matters considerably.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

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