dialog balloon confirms document sent to printer! Eliminate!?



When I print a document, a dialog balloon appears at the toolbar, pointing to
the printer icon, tells me "this document has been sent to the printer" or
something like that; the thing hangs around long enough to prevent seeing
what I am doing while I am trying to do other saves and needs to be clicked.
Is there any way to get rid of it? It showed up after XP was put into the
computer, as far as I know; it is not present with 2000
The thing is crazy making; every extra click makes computer input more
Anybody knows how to off this thing, thanks!

Jay Freedman

This comes from XP, not from Word.

From the Windows Start menu, click Settings > Printers > File > Server
Properties > Advanced and uncheck any options that mention

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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