Dialog box fonts become very large



Hi. After deleted some fonts in my Windows Fonts directory, I find that when
I open Outlook - Junk Mail Filter, all the fonts become wide and large so
that I lose the "Remove" and "Add" buttons, even the address in the
safe-senders list also become very large. However, other dialog box is show
properly, every fonts in the Message List is no problem. I tried to
reinstall some fonts and also I search over internet, no topic about this
issue. Because I had add my email address to the safe list and make the
filter not function, so I need to remove my email address from the list, but
I can't find a way unless I correct the fonts size in the dialog box to get
back the "Remove" button, Please help me! Thanks a lot !

BTW, how can I uninstall the filter and reinstall again, since I have
uninstall whole the Outlook and reinstall again but no change. Also I have
downloaded and install the latest Junk Filter from Microsoft, but the case
is same, I spent a week try to solve this problem, but no hope, thanks for
anyone who can help me !

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