I have been working with Perry (See My original post under Dialog Box) and he
gave me the following macro to try. I thought it had worked and stated that
it did on my reply to Perry. I was wrong. It does not write the formfields
data to (and saved in) the textfile. I need some help with this.
Dim tempFile
Dim fd As FileDialog
Dim oFF as formfields
Dim i as integer
set oFF = activedocument.formfields
i = FreeFile()
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(3)
fd.Filters.Add "Text Files", "*.txt"
fd.FilterIndex = 0
fd.InitialFileName = "U:\History"
fd.AllowMultiSelect = False
If fd.Show Then
tempFile = fd.SelectedItems(i)
Open tempfile For Output As #i
Write #i, oFF(5).Result, oFF(6).Result, _
oFF(7).Result, oFF(8).Result, _
oFF(9).Result, oFF(10).Result
Close #i
End If
gave me the following macro to try. I thought it had worked and stated that
it did on my reply to Perry. I was wrong. It does not write the formfields
data to (and saved in) the textfile. I need some help with this.
Dim tempFile
Dim fd As FileDialog
Dim oFF as formfields
Dim i as integer
set oFF = activedocument.formfields
i = FreeFile()
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(3)
fd.Filters.Add "Text Files", "*.txt"
fd.FilterIndex = 0
fd.InitialFileName = "U:\History"
fd.AllowMultiSelect = False
If fd.Show Then
tempFile = fd.SelectedItems(i)
Open tempfile For Output As #i
Write #i, oFF(5).Result, oFF(6).Result, _
oFF(7).Result, oFF(8).Result, _
oFF(9).Result, oFF(10).Result
Close #i
End If