How do I get remove the dialog box that pops up each time a fax is
getting ready to be sent. I just want them to go. Right now the user
would have to click the yes each time.
I just want to have a message box show up that says you are about to
seen 12 faxes do you want to send they click yes and 12 send with no
dialog box if no the action cancels.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strName As String
Dim strFaxNo As String
Dim strFax As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT TProdInfo.ProdCd, TProdInfo.[Contact Name], TProdInfo.
[Fax Number], tara.Keep FROM tara INNER JOIN TProdInfo ON tara.ProdCd
= TProdInfo.ProdCd GROUP BY TProdInfo.ProdCd, TProdInfo.[Contact
Name], TProdInfo.[Fax Number], tara.Keep, tara.Email HAVING
(((tara.Keep)=True) AND ((tara.Email)=fOSUserName()));"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Do Until rst.EOF
gProdCd = rst!ProdCd
strName = "/Name=" & rst![Contact Name]
strFaxNo = "/Fax=" & rst![Fax Number]
strFax = strName & strFaxNo & "/<[email protected]>"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "RPCDemandFax", acFormatRTF,
strFax, , , "Outstanding Property Casualty Policies", "Please Review
the Following Outstanding Policies", False
End Sub
getting ready to be sent. I just want them to go. Right now the user
would have to click the yes each time.
I just want to have a message box show up that says you are about to
seen 12 faxes do you want to send they click yes and 12 send with no
dialog box if no the action cancels.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strName As String
Dim strFaxNo As String
Dim strFax As String
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQL = "SELECT TProdInfo.ProdCd, TProdInfo.[Contact Name], TProdInfo.
[Fax Number], tara.Keep FROM tara INNER JOIN TProdInfo ON tara.ProdCd
= TProdInfo.ProdCd GROUP BY TProdInfo.ProdCd, TProdInfo.[Contact
Name], TProdInfo.[Fax Number], tara.Keep, tara.Email HAVING
(((tara.Keep)=True) AND ((tara.Email)=fOSUserName()));"
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Do Until rst.EOF
gProdCd = rst!ProdCd
strName = "/Name=" & rst![Contact Name]
strFaxNo = "/Fax=" & rst![Fax Number]
strFax = strName & strFaxNo & "/<[email protected]>"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "RPCDemandFax", acFormatRTF,
strFax, , , "Outstanding Property Casualty Policies", "Please Review
the Following Outstanding Policies", False
End Sub