Dialog data access page


Tom Brophy

I am trying to bring up a data access page in a dialog box and am running
into a strange situation. If I am internal (intranet) it works fine. But I
VPN to another connection and try to access it from outside our network
(internet) it isn't working. I am getting an invalid argument. Here is the
code that I have:

<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onclick for=cmdAddJrnlNote>
Dim varOptions
varOptions = "dialogHeight:40;dialogWidth:40"
'MsgBox (MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Fields("OppID").Value)
window.showModalDialog "webAddJrnlNote.htm",
MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Fields("OppID").Value, varOptions

The window.showModalDialog is the line that is getting the error. I'm
getting an 'invalid argument'. The first argument is the web page, the
second is the information that I am passing to the dialog box (which is
correct), the third is the Options - which is supposed to be the window size.
If I take away the varOptions and have only the first 2 it works fine both
on the internet and intranet. When I add the varOptions, it isn't working on
the internet (intranet is fine).

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help you can give me.


Tom Brophy

Problem solved. I could not use the variable (or at least the way I was
using it). Still not sure why it worked internally but not externally.

Anyway, I modified the line as follows

window.showModalDialog "webAddJrnlNote.htm",

and it worked fine both places.


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