Diary type format. Possible?




I write a report every few days on a given subject. Presently I do it with
Word. I use the same file each time such that I just scroll down Word past
all prior diary entries until I get to the end and then start typing e.g 22nd
Oct 2004.

What I want is to have more of a book type format whereby each diary entry
is in a discrete page that I can easily turn to. Rather like a diary.

Even better I would have a 'template' word document which I could open every
day and fill in my diary entry. Then I could place that diary entry into
another file which contains all entries. This file would be like a book so I
could turn to each diary entry as opposed to scrolling odwn a single word
document to find the appropriate entry.

Is anything like this possible with Word? Are there any other MS products
that would suit my needs.

Do reply if you have any good ideas. Also, I can give more details if you
are unsure what exactly I want to do.

Many Thanks


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, first of all, you don't have to scroll. Ctrl+End will take you to the
end of the document. Shift+F5 will take you to the last previous edit point.
If you have Word 2003, you can use the Thumbnails pane (View | Thumbnails)
to select a specific page. If you assign an outline level to your date or
other heading, you could also use the Document Map. But Word has no built-in
way to do exactly what you describe. If you are not familiar with Microsoft
OneNote, you might investigate it (see
http://www.microsoft.com/office/onenote/prodinfo/default.mspx). It won't do
exactly what you're asking for, either, but it does allow you to create
documents with tabs.

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