


I'm having trouble with the dictionaries in Microsoft Word. No matter what I do, it insists on using the US dictionary

I'm using office XP. I have tried going to tools - Set Language and selecting English - Australian and setting to default. The message even says that it's changing the normal.dot file. However when I open a new file, it's back to American

So I tried editing Normal.dot myself. I would open a document, change the language, save the file as Normal2.dot, then I would re-open the file. Yeah, aparently I'm still American

So I tried changing the install, but there weren't any options for changing dictionaries in there

Thanks for you help.

Dayo Mitchell

Hi Derek,

Well, that isn't really the way to edit Normal. You need to find and open
the actual file (which may be set to hidden), and change the language there.
See here for more info, towards the end:


Once you have Normal open, select whatever's there and then set the
language. You might need to type a space and backspace to convince Normal
you made a change that needs to be saved, along with the language change.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

In addition to Dayo's advice, note that Word derives its default language
from the setting under Control Panel | Regional Options | Input Locales.

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