"dictionary" button on word quick-access toolbar but not for excel


susie margaret

hi --

i apologize if there is an earlier post on this topic; i did a search, but i
am a newbie to this forum, so i might easily have missed it.

in my "word 2007" program, i was able to select a "dictionary" command for
the quick-access toolbar (in addition to "thesaurus"), but for my "excel
2007" quick-access toolbar i found a button for "thesaurus" but none for
"dictionary." how can this be?

can anyone advise me on where to look or how to do this?

thanks very much.

-- susie margaret

Graham Mayor

You should ask Excel questions in the Excel forums. This one is for Word.
However, the spelling tool is on the Review toolbar and if you want to spell
check in a different language - see Excel Help on 'Language' which explains

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Excel doesn't directly access the Dictionary so there is no button for that
specific resource. The Dictionary is a part of the Reference tools, however,
so you can add the Research button from the Review Tab group. It will summon
the Research Task Pane as does its namesake on the Review Tab of the Ribbon.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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