Hi all
Having a problem in excel which is driving me mad! I have a list o
data and i want to create a conditional sumif formula where the sum i
taken only of the last three entries. For our league analysis i look a
a team results history for the last three games by adding up the goal
for and against for last three matches. I want to write a formula whic
would look through the list and automatically add the goals for the las
three entries for a team. This cant be done with a traditional sumi
formula as the range is specified and this may include the last four o
five games for a team whilst three for another.
Greatly appreciated,
Re: complex criteria summing
I did not look at your attachment, but if you have a list of dates
then you can use a formula like
Array enter (enter using Ctrl-Shift-Enter)
Where dates are in column A, and the numbers to be summed are in colum
MS Excel MVP
thanks for your reply, that would not work however as the criteria i
not date driven but is looking for the last three entries of the even
in two columns, i have attached the spreadsheet along with an exampl
of the current formula im using which is fixed in range so would retur
incorrect values if more or less than my target number of events woul
occur, thank
|Filename: help_g9394.zip
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=5192
Having a problem in excel which is driving me mad! I have a list o
data and i want to create a conditional sumif formula where the sum i
taken only of the last three entries. For our league analysis i look a
a team results history for the last three games by adding up the goal
for and against for last three matches. I want to write a formula whic
would look through the list and automatically add the goals for the las
three entries for a team. This cant be done with a traditional sumi
formula as the range is specified and this may include the last four o
five games for a team whilst three for another.
Greatly appreciated,
Re: complex criteria summing
I did not look at your attachment, but if you have a list of dates
then you can use a formula like
Array enter (enter using Ctrl-Shift-Enter)
Where dates are in column A, and the numbers to be summed are in colum
MS Excel MVP
thanks for your reply, that would not work however as the criteria i
not date driven but is looking for the last three entries of the even
in two columns, i have attached the spreadsheet along with an exampl
of the current formula im using which is fixed in range so would retur
incorrect values if more or less than my target number of events woul
occur, thank
|Filename: help_g9394.zip
|Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=5192