Diff Query Results on different PCs



Hi All,

I have a qry1 which calculates Sum(Num01)
I have another qry2 which has qry1 and other queries.

When executing qry2, it shows values of Sum(Num01) from qry1 in some PCs and
does not show on other PCs.
( I guess it is not able to load the data of qry1 on some PCs)

But when I put a dummy text field (Dummy:"Dummy") on qry1, qry2 works fine
on all PCs.

Weird!!!! Can anybody explain how can I solve the above problem.
(I am running on MS Access 97 on different PCs with Win XP.)

Thanks in advance.


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The problem is weird and the solution is illogical.
I would be grateful if somebody could please help me to sort out the problem
in a logical way.
Hi All,
I have a qry1 which calculates Sum(Num01)
I have another qry2 which has qry1 and other queries.
When executing qry2, it shows values of Sum(Num01) from qry1 in some PCs
and does not show on other PCs.
( I guess it is not able to load the data of qry1 on some PCs)
But when I put a dummy text field (Dummy:"Dummy") on qry1, qry2 works fine
on all PCs.
Weird!!!! Can anybody explain how can I solve the above problem.
(I am running on MS Access 97 on different PCs with Win XP.)
Thanks in advance.

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Hi All,
Any help???
The problem is weird and the solution is illogical.
I would be grateful if somebody could please help me to sort out the
in a logical way.

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