An even more thorough and concise clarification:
"Accounts" can also be individual people that may buy a product or service
from your small business, however, you are then kinda screwed because MS
apparently does not think that anyone has this kind of business transaction
model. If an individual person (a Business Contact) is your "customer" they
cannot be cross linked and syncronized to an Office Accounting customer
record. Nor does this individual "customer" fit the rigidly defined MS
criteria of being an organization such as a "Master Parent Contact" type of
record with linked children contacts.
In the finest BCM limited design tradition of "one-size-fits-all," the
Account record is assumed to be used only in a "Business-to-Business" model
of operation. If you do any direct sales to individuals within the public at
large, using BCM for your business data can be confusing and often not an
elegant fit into the current BCM design scheme of things.
In time (zzzzzzzzz) hopefully this design oversight will eventually evolve
and be improved.
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
Once you've exhausted BCM Help and the BCM videos on the Office web
site, your best bet is Lon's BCM For Dummies book.