Difference between Design and Layout views in Access 2007

  • Thread starter Shweta Srivastava77
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Shweta Srivastava77

In MS Access 2007 there are 4 views i.e. Form View, Database view, Design
View & Layout view whereas in eralier version there were only 3 views. What's
new and important about Layout view so it is added in 2007.

Allen Browne

The Microsoft guys thought it might be helpful if you could lay out your
form/report while viewing actual data.

If you are an end user designing your own database, this does help with
seeing how things fit.

If you are a developer, making databases for other people to use, you
probably want to turn this off so that your users can't mess up the design
of the form. So, they provided an easy way to disable this feature also:
Office Button | Access Options | Current Database | Allow Layout View

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

in message
news:D[email protected]...

Albert D. Kallal

In MS Access 2007 there are 4 views i.e. Form View, Database view, Design
View & Layout view whereas in eralier version there were only 3 views.
new and important about Layout view so it is added in 2007.

Quite a lot...give it a try. When you flip into layout view, your form
remains in "view" mode, but you can move things around!!

The is "far" more of a terrific feature in the report view..as the you don't
have to flip back and forth over and over and over and over again while
moving things in a report..

the same feature works on a form...give it a try...it really cool.....

Careful if your form was created by a wizard. The controls are often
"grouped" together, and will move as a group (the new grouping, and control
stacking feature in 07 is simply amazing).

If you have a continues form, then use the "tabular" layout For example, I
often use continues forms, and place labels in the forms header, and then
text boxes in the detail section. Of course moving things around is VERY
painful when you do this. if I re-sized a control, then I had to move all of
the labels (in the forms header), and then move all of the controls in the
detail section to keep things aligned. In 07, you can highlight a group of
controls..and then use the "tabular" stacking option on the ribbon. when you
do this, then moving/resizing a control will move all controls and labels
for you. Huge time saver!!!

And, now I can re-size/design the continues form while there is data
displaying..that is what the layout view gives you. (I think hits feature is
great for forms, but for reports...it is outstanding). Combined with the new
stacking/tabular layout options in the ribbon...access has once again leaped
forward over other forms designers by a country mile......

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