Being very new, I am interested in when you might use one of these over
the other.
I have a macro written in VBA editor called MoveData that opens another
document and passes values from the first docuemnt into it. The macro
works well.
I need to put a button on the first document for a user to invoke the
MoveData procedure when he is ready.
I added a command button and subroutine to it and it works well until I
put it into a SharePoint document library. Then when you click it the
right panel in Word 2003 closes and it takes another click to start the
If I Insert a MacroButton field, I don't know how to get a button shape
around it and the text appears in quotes. The field looks like
{MACROBUTTON MoveData "Apply Now"}.
I am wondering if it would behave differently when clicking on it. Can
you please tell me how to get a shape around it and any code that might
be required in addition to the field code above?
Thank you.
Being very new, I am interested in when you might use one of these over
the other.
I have a macro written in VBA editor called MoveData that opens another
document and passes values from the first docuemnt into it. The macro
works well.
I need to put a button on the first document for a user to invoke the
MoveData procedure when he is ready.
I added a command button and subroutine to it and it works well until I
put it into a SharePoint document library. Then when you click it the
right panel in Word 2003 closes and it takes another click to start the
If I Insert a MacroButton field, I don't know how to get a button shape
around it and the text appears in quotes. The field looks like
{MACROBUTTON MoveData "Apply Now"}.
I am wondering if it would behave differently when clicking on it. Can
you please tell me how to get a shape around it and any code that might
be required in addition to the field code above?
Thank you.