Difference between Word2000 and WordXP



I wrote an application in Word (VBA) with command buttens.
This application works fine with Word2000, but it doesn't
work with WordXP (after I changed the security level and
enabled macros). The butten is not responding as if it was
not pushed.
Can someone tell me please what's wrong,
or maybe there are configuration stuff that need to be
done with XP ( to activate macro commands) that are
different from Word2000.
Thank you very much, Liad

Howard Kaikow

There are differences between VBA versions.
Each case usually requires examination of the code and, in this case,

For example, just yesterday, I ran a particular macro for the first time in
Word 2003.
To my surprise, the code failed to run correctly.

I tried the code on Word 97, Word 2000 and Word XP. Code still works there.

I changed the code so it now works in all Word versions, but have not yet
investigated why the code failed in Word 2003.

I would expect more surprises as I try more and more of my old code in Word

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Liad,
I wrote an application in Word (VBA) with command buttens.
This application works fine with Word2000, but it doesn't
work with WordXP (after I changed the security level and
enabled macros). The butten is not responding as if it was
not pushed.
Word 2002 is not that different from Word 2000, except that
it contains some new things that the earlier version did not.
But certainly there's nothing intrinsic that would explain
what you describe.

We need to know more about your situation. Is this
application contained in a template?

Where are these "command buttons" located? Are they part of a
UserForm? Are they in the document, inserted from the
Controls Toolbox? Are they on a toolbar? Something else?

Are you sure the code and the thing that contains the buttons
are in the same file? If not, are you sure the files are all
where they're supposed to be?

What is the code supposed to do?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

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Hi Cindy !

Thank you for your answer.
The code is very complicated and uses objects and
databases. But this is not the point. The command buttens
are inserted from the toolbox on the document and they are
not responing. The files are all located in their places.
The point is that it works fine with Word2000, and doesn't
work at all with Word XP.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Liad,
The command buttens
are inserted from the toolbox on the document and they are
not responing. The files are all located in their places.
The point is that it works fine with Word2000, and doesn't
work at all with Word XP.
Learning that these are ActiveX controls from the Toolbox may
turnout to be the key... What's the setting in
Tools/Macros/Security? If it's "High", try changing it to
medium or low and see if that makes a difference.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

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Hi Cindy, and thank you again !

I found the problem. I found out that when I open the word
document (that I created in Word2000) in WordXp it changes
the names of the commandbuttens (Adding number in the end
of their name), and that's way they didn't respond.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

I found out that when I open the word
document (that I created in Word2000) in WordXp it changes
the names of the commandbuttens (Adding number in the end
of their name), and that's way they didn't respond.

Had you assigned names to these buttons, originally, or just
used the names Word gave them when you inserted them?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

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question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Howard Kaikow

Sometimes controls get corrupted.

For Excel, I had a client send me a workbook with controls on a worksheet.
With Word 2002, I could not programmatically work with the controls without
deleting and recreating the controls.
He had created the workbook originally, as I recall, in Excel 97 or 2000.

I've seen this also occur in Userforms.

Andi Mayer

Hi Cindy, and thank you again !

I found the problem. I found out that when I open the word
document (that I created in Word2000) in WordXp it changes
the names of the commandbuttens (Adding number in the end
of their name), and that's way they didn't respond.
I have the same problem, but I didn't found out till now why.

My commandbutton sometimes is called comanbutton1 the next time

Therefore I use this document only every thirth month I change the
macro-name what word2002 wants it this time, but it would be nice to
know what's going on.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Andi,
My commandbutton sometimes is called comanbutton1 the next time

Therefore I use this document only every thirth month I change the
macro-name what word2002 wants it this time, but it would be nice to
know what's going on.
this could be something different. If you never rename the ActiveX
controls, but just let them keep the names Word assigns when it
inserts them, Word has always had a tendency to rename them (just as
it does with graphics).

You might try giving yours names, explicitly, in the properties and
see if things settle down.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep 30 2003)

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or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Liad,
I assigned them names in Word2000, and in WordXP it
added '1' in the end of each name, but the name of the
events stayed without the '1', and that's why they didn't
Thanks for taking a moment to clarify that for me. I've
taken a note, and will keep that in mind when future
questions come up. It's been a couple of years since Word
2002 was released, so if it were a common occurrence, I'm
surprised it's never come up before (to my knowledge). But
we may see it a lot more as people move up to Word 2002 or

Cindy Meister

Andi Mayer

You might try giving yours names, explicitly, in the properties and
see if things settle down.

Thanks Cindy, the name was the solution.
I never thought about that.

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