Difference betwen Excel Date () Function and System Date



I am confused to differnece between system date and excel Date () function.

Please difference the following:

1... =Date(year, month, day)

2... Simple typing in excel as July 10,2008,

3.. Window system date and Date function

4.. Is there any link between the Date() function and system date,


Khalil said:
4.. Is there any link between the Date() function and system date,

No. The term "system date" usually refers to the current date. That is
returned by the TODAY() function.

The DATE() function allows you to form any date value (aka serial number).
The is no difference between typing July 10, 2008 and DATE(2008,7,10).
However, you cannot use July 10, 2008 directly in an expression. For
example, if you want to test if A1 is that date, you cannot write
IF(A1="July 10, 2008",...). But you can write IF(A1=DATE(2008,7,10),...).
You can also write IF(A1=DATEVALUE("July 10, 2008"),...).

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