different behavior in Excel2002



I have an empty WB with VBA code in IT in Excel 2002:

Sub main()
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
'wb.SaveAs Filename:="\\nygisw906107\My Documents\test.xls"
wb.SaveAs Filename:="c:\Documents and Settings\1igodzin\My
End Sub

I am trying to save this WB using wb.Saveas in the same place with the
same name. Depending how I Open the WB only one of these lines is
1. open using File|Open . in this case second statement is working.
2. open using Start|Run \\nygisw906107\My Documents\test.xls just first
statement is working.

In Excel 2000 both statements are working.

Does somebody have ideas why it doesn't work in Excel2002

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