Stéfan Robert
I have a document in which I want to put captions under figures.
This document has a main body with chapters whose notation is in
numbers: (chapter 1, chapter 2, etc)
I was able to make my captions show the chapter number + the number of
the figure, just like this:
Figure 1-2 Blabla
Now I would like to name my appendix like this: Appendix A, Appendix B,
etc. And to follow this logic, I would like my figure captions to look
like this:
Figure A-1 Blabla
Figure B-1 BlablaBla
I was not able to find a way to do this in the same document. Is there a
way to do this because I would like to see the appendix figure captions
in my table of figures and my Appendix Titles in the Table of Content.
Thank you
I have a document in which I want to put captions under figures.
This document has a main body with chapters whose notation is in
numbers: (chapter 1, chapter 2, etc)
I was able to make my captions show the chapter number + the number of
the figure, just like this:
Figure 1-2 Blabla
Now I would like to name my appendix like this: Appendix A, Appendix B,
etc. And to follow this logic, I would like my figure captions to look
like this:
Figure A-1 Blabla
Figure B-1 BlablaBla
I was not able to find a way to do this in the same document. Is there a
way to do this because I would like to see the appendix figure captions
in my table of figures and my Appendix Titles in the Table of Content.
Thank you