As well as planning and scheduling we use Project to calculate the cost of a
project. Our projects will have a number of different resources with
different hourly cost rates. Those same resources work on another project
with a totally different set of hourly costs. This works great when the
projects are on their own but I would like to use the resource pool
functionality for scheduling. Doing so means that I can have only one cost
price unless I use rate tables - rate tables only allow 5 rates I need more.
I will aslo need to change a large number of project plans. Is there an
project. Our projects will have a number of different resources with
different hourly cost rates. Those same resources work on another project
with a totally different set of hourly costs. This works great when the
projects are on their own but I would like to use the resource pool
functionality for scheduling. Doing so means that I can have only one cost
price unless I use rate tables - rate tables only allow 5 rates I need more.
I will aslo need to change a large number of project plans. Is there an