Are you referring to the project server with a URL like:
http://servername/projectserver? If so, you may need to add an entry to your IP configuration so the server name will resolve. Micro$oft expects you to be using WINS name resolution and this may not work in your case.
To do this:
Open up your network connection properties and select the TCP/IP protocol and click the properties button. Click the Advanced button and then click the DNS tab. In the bottom of that window select the option to "Append these DNS suffixes" and add the domain suffix where the project server is located, i.e. Then check the boxes at the botton to "register this connection in DNS" and "Use this connections DNS suffix in DNS registration".
[email protected]> 2/23/2005 11:17:02 AM >>>
Now I got it, I went under Manager Network Passwords and filled out the
required information. I did the test connection, connection sucessfully
But now I am getting different error message:
The Project Server database is unavailable.
You can't access the database for one of the following reason:
There is a problem with the enterprise global template in the database.
You do not have sufficient permission to access the enterprise global
Network problem are preventing access.
Project Server does not have enterprise features enabled.
I added the URL site in to Trusted site already.
We're in two different places. Yes, you need to set those settings in the project server accounts configuration. However, the instructions I gave for this refer to setting up network passwords in the WinXP control panel. This is what enables the user to login to the project server without logging into the domain.
Go to Control Panel>User Accounts>[select user account name]>Manage my network passwords
Hope that helps.
[email protected]> 2/23/2005 10:27:04 AM >>>
I'm using WinXP Pro.
I am entering this address in Project Pro 2003 application. By going to:
Tools, Enterprise Options, Microsoft Office Project Server Account...
Then add -> a dialog will pop up: Account Properties.
In there I have:
Account Name:
Project Server URL:
When Connecting
Use Windows User Account
Use a Project Server Account
I picked up the Use Windows user Account.
Then clicked on Test Connection... That's when the error message showed up.
I did what you told me...
A dialog will pop up saying:
You Entered An Invalid URL.
The URL must start with http:// or https:// and
contains less than 129 characters.
Then I put just the
http://servername (without the /projectserver)
Same error message.
DON'T add the protocol to the address, i.e. http://
The network address should look something like instead of
You also DON'T need to specify the virtual directory, i.e. /projectserver on the end of the address.
[email protected]> 2/22/2005 3:59 PM >>>
I went to User Account, selected my domain user account, Advanced tab.
Clicked on Manage Passwords, then clicked on Add
I typed the server IP address, domain\username, and the password.
Went back to Project Pro 2003, same error... Am I missing something here?
Do I have to something on the Project Pro 2003, beside entering the username
and password + the URL of PWA.
Thanks in advance for your help.
See this thread from earlier today:
Re: Project Server Authentication Problems in a Mixed Desktop Environm
[email protected]> 2/22/2005 1:33 PM >>>
My laptop is setup with XYZ domain, is it possible to upload project into
project server in domain (ie. ABC)?
I tried it and it seemed like it has problem with permission issue.
I have manually input the domain\username, it did not take it.
it saying that "You are not authorized to view this page"
Thanks in advance for your help.