Different Graphic for Mp3 Object


Elizabeth- MDC

I'd like to embedd an mp3 file in my Word document, but I want to use a
Bitmap or another graphic type as the graphic or background for the music

This way a person can play the audio by clicking on a large photo, or other
picture, rather than the Icon or text normall associated with the object.

Is it possible?


Shauna Kelly

Hi Elizabeth

Word wasn't really designed to be a presentation device. I don't think you
can embed a file and have a link of the kind you have in mind.

I think that the best you could do is to insert your picture, then select it
and use Insert > Hyperlink to link to your audio file. You would need to put
the audio file in the same folder as your Word document, and then change the
hyperlink so it uses a relative address, and not the absolute address of the
file on your machine. Then, you'll need to send the user the Word doc and
the audio file.

PowerPoint may be a better vehicle for what you need. Try
http://www.pptfaq.com/ or http://www.echosvoice.com/.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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