Changing the page numbering and any other header/footer formatting commands
relies upon creating different sections.
I suggest that you set up some dummy pages just to get a feel of this:
1. Set up a first page and then insert a section: page layout> breaks>new
2. On your new page put a heading and a few lines of text and then repeat
the above and again for a third section etc.
3. I find it easiest to go the last section, select tab 'Page Layout',
footer>select footer type from drop-down and modify as you wish.
4. Go to previous section, repeat, 'Page Layout', >footer>select footer
type from drop-down and modify as you wish, then remember to SWITCH OFF 'same
as previous'.
5. When you have done this for each section then you can go back and format
numbering, remembering to change the 'start numbering at'.
If you want an example of this please ask but there appears to be no
document attach on this forum!