Is there *any* way (script fine) to achieve the following:
IP connected to webservice returning DataSet (don't know how relevant this
is). Main adapter has queryFields & dataFields.
Is there *any* way to attach to a different named webservice for the
purposes of issuing a Query which takes different parameters from that in the
Main adapter yet returns exactly the same dataFields, which must be output to
the same dataFields as the Main adapter, as these are used for binding
controls and subsequent Submit? Seems a reasonable requirement...
IP connected to webservice returning DataSet (don't know how relevant this
is). Main adapter has queryFields & dataFields.
Is there *any* way to attach to a different named webservice for the
purposes of issuing a Query which takes different parameters from that in the
Main adapter yet returns exactly the same dataFields, which must be output to
the same dataFields as the Main adapter, as these are used for binding
controls and subsequent Submit? Seems a reasonable requirement...