-----Original Message-----
This example assumes your field is called Amount, and you want to round the
increased amount to the nearest cent.
1. Make a backup of your database first.
This makes irreversible changes to your data.
2. Create a query into this table.
3. Drag the Amount column into the grid.
4. In the Criteria row beneath this field, enter:
5. Verify these are the right records to change.
6. Change it to an Update query (Update on Query menu).
Access adds an Update row to the grid.
7. In the Update row under this field, enter:
Round(CCur([Amount] * 1.0825), 2)
8. Run the query.
Note: If you are using Access 97 or earlier, there is no Round() function.
You can get one from
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
I am trying to add 8.25% to all the records in Number1
Field in a table that are above $200, it does not seem to
be working, how would I do this.
Thank You!!!!