Different utilisation %s at different times wtihin same task



I have a task which carries on over a long-ish period.
During that time, a resource will spend some time working
on it, and some time not working on it. I can show that
by splitting the task.

But can I show the resource utilisation at different % at
different times? EG: week 1 - 100%, week 2 - off, week 3 -

The problem I have is that if there is a single
utilisation % throughout, then the resource is
overallocated on the Resource Graph when it is allocated
to other tasks. And I'm trying to avoid having separate
tasks for every time the resource stops and starts the
job, though this may be the only solution?

Any help will be appreciated!

Mike Glen

Hi Sasha,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

A way to handle this is to assign always at 100%. Then in one of the Usage
views, adjust the work requirements day by day to meet your special

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Karl Kill, PMP

Another thought on this is in most IT organization and even individual projects resources might have support work the same time as project work. In your project plan you are trying to show allocation not exactly what is going to happen. In a support task I allocate the resource to a certain percentage for the duration of the task such as 35%. I do not know when support work is going to come up but I want to be able to use the rest of the resource availability on project work.

When the actual hours are posted it could show that they work 8hours(100%) one day and then didn't work on support for the next day (0%). When you look at the Gnatt chart it will split the task up based on actuals. I do not want to micro-manage within a MS Project plan.

I assume this is similar to your situation. The resource is allocated to multiple concurent tasks and you want to work on one a little then another task then back to the first. If you allocate a % for each, then the actuals will show you what happened and next time you can adjust your % allocation.


You can go under View > Task Usage, and enter the forecast hours there, day by day, week by week, or however you choose to break them down----you can change the displayed date format by going under Format > Timescale.

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