Differentiate external Resources from internal resources



Good day all,

I am a new EPM admin for my organization and I am trying to learn as I go.
Right now I have about 100 resources in the pool. One on the PM is importing
existing project schedule into the EPM and would like to know how he can
differentiate External resources versus Internal resources in the Gantt view.
The consultant who helped us to implement the tool said that this need some
programming. Is this true or is there another way of creating some dynamic
custom fields to answer this question?

I would really appreciate a step-by-step approach to help me solve this issue.


Rick Roszko


I don't know what you mean by internal resource vs.external resource. I
assume it is just a label, such as employee vs. contractor (or vendor,

I also don't know if you mean the PM wants to see it in the Project Plan in
MS Project or up on PWA. I assume he meant his/her own project plan...

Given the two assumptions above, here's one way to do it:

(a) Go to the Resource sheet
(b) Insert Column "Group". This is a free text field
(c) You can label each resource "External" or Internal"
I suggest you abbreviate it to ext and int or your Gantt would be cluttered...

(d) Go to the Gantt Chart view so you can see the results as you do the
(e) On the menu bar, do Format, then Bar
(f) Click on the "Bar Text" tab
(g) If it is at the default setting only "Right" would have "Resource Name"
assigned to it. Just go to any of the empty fields and look for "Resource
(h) Click "OK" and there is your label.

Now if that was now what you were lookiong for, please repost your question...



If you want to show split costs you can use a custom field and formula.

Using the same Resource Group field in the other response you can set
up Task Custom Cost fields with a formula like this

Select a Cost field and rename to 'External Costs'
Set the formula to IIF([Resource Group}="External",[Actual Cost] +
[Overtime Cost],0)
make sure to set the calc on task and group summary to Rollup and Sum
You can create another custom cost for the Internal costs

Also create a Project Custom Cost field with a formula pointing to the
appropraite Task enterprise fields

You can use these in the table views in Project Prof and in PWA Views

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